Quality – a question of trust
After receiving ISO 9001 certification for all of its railway divisions in 2012 CIM has been further certified for the 2015 version of ISO 9001 since April 2019 by Bureau Veritas Certification.
CIM takes a strong approach in this regard, aiming to provide compliant, high quality and competitive products within the timescales provided.
Competencies behind our certification

Listening to and fully understanding interested parties’ needs so as to meet all of their requirements and provide them with competitive quality services within the timescale set out.

Developing client satisfaction.

Implementing an effective Corporate Strategy based on risk analyses and continuous improvement.

Measuring performance results for procedures via those objectives identify for the proper implementation of strategies, all the while ensuring all guidelines and regulatory and legal requirements are complied with.

Improving the effectiveness of our quality management system for the purposes of maintaining interested parties’ trust and approval.
Our social and environmental commitments
Sustainable development is a core element in CIM’s corporate strategy. More practically this involves actively responding to its partners’ needs within this area and pre-empting changes in the environment, society as a whole and economies.
Since 2017 we have been registered on the EcoVadis sustainable development ratings platform, which rates users across three main areas – ecology, the code of ethics in place and employee safety – and then cross-tabulates these results to come up with final sustainable development rating. EcoVadis is a (French) user-driven platform and has been used by over 30,000 customers in 110 countries since 2007, being the undisputed leader in corporate social responsibility rankings.
This year CIM was once again awarded a SILVER rating.
Furthermore the company’s procurement strategy is a core component in CIM’s sustainable development policy, which is why it asks its suppliers and subcontractors to take part in this initiative by making continuous steps towards achieving those principles set out in its Sustainable Development Charter.
Over and above in-house policies and procedures CIM takes special care in selecting suppliers who are known for their expertise in the railways industry.
A rigorous corporate code of ethics geared towards daily activities
CIM has – taking its cue from the United Nations Global Compact which asks companies to adopt, maintain and apply a group of fundamental values concerning a number of fields such as human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and ethics – undertaken to abide by the strictest rules governing ethics in place.
Setting higher ethical goals for ourselves means having to meet more demanding criteria than the requirements set out under current applicable law. As such CIM makes every effort to fulfil both the spirit and the letter of the law concerning human rights, labour standards, health and safety, anti-bribery measures, fair competition and tax regulations.
Our Code of Ethics document is the point of reference for all CMI employees in performing their daily work activities.
Dedication internal organisations
The QSE (quality, safety, environment) Manager is a member of CIM general management and possess all authority required to ensure certifications are kept up to date. The individual fulfilling the role is also responsible for overseeing the proper operation of our management system, conducting regular audits alongside management of all of the services offered for the purposes of ensuring continuous improvement.